Sunday, October 31, 2021

The Key to the Secret


The Key to the Secret:

15 Fast and Easy Steps to Achieving What You Want Now

Have you consumed everything and followed everyone you can find on the Law of Attraction, but haven’t been able to make your dreams a reality yet?

You know what you want. You visualize it and believe it to the point you can see it, feel it, hear it, smell it and taste it…but it’s still not happening. Something’s missing.

Congratulations, you’ve discovered The Key to The Secret. This guidebook fills in the gaps in all the other Law of Attraction teachings and helps you make the vital connections you’ve been missing up to now. The simple steps listed in this journal will help you transition your dream life from imagination into reality.

Each chapter in this supplemental handbook includes an inspirational quote, a real-life success story, instructions, and exercises to help you connect to what you want mentally and emotionally. Now you can achieve your goals and see results faster.

1. Define your purpose
2. Decide what you will provide in exchange for success
3. Set a date for when you will achieve it
4. Have faith and confidence
5. Embrace your negative thoughts
6. Live your ideal schedule
7. Fool yourself into your passion
8. Visualize your day
9. Practice gratitude and appreciation
10. Let go and believe you have it already
11. Take action on inspired ideas
12. “Donate” your bills and outstanding debt
13. Place whatever you desire in your Universe shopping cart
14. Describe your ideal relationships
15. Sign a contract with the Universe

Turn your visualizations into reality and discover The Key to manifesting your desires, and you’ll be unstoppable in creating the life you want to live. 

Author Bio: Mina Faraway

I’ve been practicing the Law of Attraction since childhood. I started by finding the first star in the sky and reciting a popular nursery rhyme. It goes:

Star Light, Star Bright,

First star I see tonight,

Wish I may, wish I might,

Have the wish I wish tonight.

Then I would make my wish with all my heart. I believe I received everything I wished for and truly wanted. Being a child, I forgot about my wish during the day, not realizing at the time it was the “letting go” part of the process.

When I became an adult, I stopped making wishes and reciting the poem, but I continued to get almost everything I wanted and set my mind to. When I wanted a specific job, they hired me. When I wanted something physical, I earned enough to buy it myself; I bartered for it; or someone gifted it to me. After all, I had learned that wishes come true. 

I wrote The Key to the Secret to share the epiphanies, or inspired thoughts, that helped me connect the dots between some of the Law of Attraction teachings. The ones I specifically struggled with in the daily chaos of life included how you transition from imagining and visualizing what you want, to “letting go” and living your life as if you have it all now. I hope it helps you find ways to “game the system” of your own mental processes in a way that’s fun and fulfilling, so you can receive everything you desire faster.

I’m literally living my ideal schedule and the life I wanted right now, and it happened much faster than I expected. Just remember to go through every step and review and recite what you have written. Feel it and live is now as closely as you can. When you can’t physically do so, use your vibrant imagination to fool yourself into living it.

Remember The Key to the Secret and you’ll be absolutely unstoppable.


Yellow Gloves

Yellow Gloves: A Misty Night Story

The town of Baker Falls is a quiet peaceful place. A cute retirement town nestled in the hills of Eastern Oregon where nothing ever happens, until now. This fall, something strange is happening in Baker Falls. An evil has spread over this quiet little town. Where did it come from, why did it come here, and what will happen next?


Saturday, October 30, 2021

Interlinked Destiny

For decades, The Holiday Hellion has been plaguing the world. A twisted man, who strings the corpses of his victims for the holidays. Dazzling displays designed to taunt the senses and offering a deadly surprise upon discovery. His dark visions adding a new terror to once cherished holidays. From a Christmas corpse to a Valentine’s Day victim, he creates a terrifying portfolio of pain. 

Each scene wishing those who witness the displays a joyous holiday. 

Twenty years ago, Caroline Carpenter escaped the killer’s deadly grip. Now living in a small Arizona town. Caroline continues to wrestle with the demons of her past. While she continues to look towards having a successful future with her Interlinked Destiny product line, a partnership with Dr. Nathan Stein.  

In the middle of a spring storm, she meets Kevin Lindstrom. An Arizona cattle rancher who finds Caroline is the woman of his dreams through a casual dating application. Wicked things heavy on his mind. 

In a corner booth, in the back of Mama Clifton’s Diner, Caroline begins a night where things unwind. Small town secrets and lies come out during an evening where not everyone will survive to see the Good Friday sunrise.


Friday, October 29, 2021

When We Were Warm


A THOUGHT-PROVOKING PAGE-TURNER • The first book in A.B. Raphaelle’s upcoming time travel series. The unwilling subject of a trans-human experiment in 2050, Aroya's only escape is time travel. Arriving in 2019 San Francisco, he meets Abbie, a nurse who has just witnessed a murder. 

A wonderful and fresh read; a highly unique blend of elements—romance, poetry, spirituality, and a small dash of quantum physics! …This isn't an overly steamy novel with hyped up sex scenes every other page. Rather, the romantic scenes are well-placed, and well-paced, and quite moving. Aside from that, throughout the story, there are subtle lessons within that I feel we could all use-—especially during these times! Overall, a fun, page-turning read! ~ Amazon Reviewer

San Francisco, 2019. Abbie Lite, a nurse at the Public Hospital, witnesses a murder but is terrified to come forward. Now, at the end of her rope, she seeks guidance from a Brazilian shaman. During her shamanic session, she experiences amazing visions that foretell events soon to come. In front of her favorite café, Abbie comes face to face with an unusual man who has silvery skin and the ability to read her thoughts. His name is Aroya—he has just arrived from the year 2050. Little does Abbie know that this unusual man will soon save her life. And thus, their adventures in time travel begin!

Amazon reviewer below:  
Compelling and Fresh Romance Novel
Reviewed in the United States on September 14, 2021
A wonderful and fresh read; a highly unique blend of elements- romance, poetry, spirituality, and a small dash of quantum physics! All mesh together to create a compelling story with dynamic characters. I appreciated the characters' innocence in the story- both through their dialogue and their actions. Meaning, this isn't an overly steamy novel with hyped up sex scenes every other page. Rather, the romantic scenes are well-placed, and well-paced, and quite moving. Aside from that, throughout the story, there are subtle lessons within that I feel we could all use- especially during these times! Overall, a fun, page-turning read!

Click here to get When We Were Warm on Amazon / Kindle


Thursday, October 28, 2021

The Adventures of Garry the Goat


The Adventures of Garry The Goat Volume 2, is a childrens book about 3 friends getting reunited after the first journey through a dark forrest where they eat play & sing.


Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Photographs of my Life

Photographs of My Life is a compelling memoir about a young black woman coping with life the best she can, through the many tragic losses of her most cherished loved ones. Her heartfelt stories share how she managed to survive the tragedies of her life and grew to become a more empowered woman despite all of her pain and suffering. 

Shanae Higgenbotham addresses the biggest challenges she’s faced over the years and provides insight to many young people of her generation that love and loss can create new perspectives. On her path, she discovers how love and loss can offer people a vast array of relationship hues, which are seen differently based on their cultural humanity lenses, which affect the choices they make. She learned after experiencing so much grief and heartache that it is difficult to figure out how we balance the light and dark of our experiences when added to a mix of colorful emotions. Once grief collides inside us, it ignites into fireworks, and our lives shatter. These exploding encounters blur our memories and overexpose the truths of our reality. 

She writes about how she finally understands the dark parts of her world and accepts that her life is filled with both beauty and pain. And now believes it is possible to change and refocus the view of your world into clearer images regarding love and loss. She encourages others to create their own snapshots, choice by choice, thereby framing the people and experiences in photographs of their loved ones, which will help alter their lives for the better.

Click here to get Photographs of my Life


Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Motherhood is F*cking Scary


Motherhood Is F*cking Scary:

Quotes and Banter That Will Have You Scream-Laughing Through the Horrors of Motherhood

For fans of My Little Occult Book Club and Sh*tty Mom, Motherhood Is F*cking Scary is a deliciously dark humor book that combines two unlikely genres that have a lot of similarities: Parenting and Horror. This novelty parenting book includes sweary quotes, fun quizzes, reads that will have you shaking the bed trying to stifle laughter, and references that will scratch your nostalgic horror/pop-culture itch.

A hug of solidarity to spooky moms who feel underrepresented in the realm of motherhood, and who don’t have time to read a book from cover to cover in one sitting (because you’re a mom, you don’t sit!). 

-A GIFT MOM THAT’S SO GOOD IT’S SCARY: Motherhood Is F*cking Scary is the perfect gift for moms just trying to survive the hell circus that is motherhood. Open it up to any page for a quick, hilarious getaway.


Monday, October 25, 2021

The Relic of Waeter


What happens when your fate and destiny are already chosen for you?  

At the age of ten, Aqua is awakened by the sounds of gunshots ringing through the house. Only to realize, that her mother has been shot down in cold blood.  

Abducted by the killers. Aqua finds herself being sold into the dark, dangerous world of drug runners and money launderers.  

She is plagued by a series of bizarre dreams that surround the creation of a cylindrical rod, with a priceless sapphire resting on the top.  

Aqua must now, somehow, escape from her captors, survive the dark streets of Los Angeles, figure out the meaning behind her dreams, and the strange powers that are awakening within her. All the while, battling an evil force that had been set in motion to stop her from finding the truth. The truth about who and what she is.


Sunday, October 24, 2021

Motherpuppin Adorable


Motherpuppin Adorable:

What to Do When Your Dog Is

Better Than Everyone Else's

Sit. Stay. Stardom! Yorkie or Mastiff, miniature or massive, rescued or pedigreed-your perfect pup is destined to become the new leader of the Instafamous pack. You know your beloved has that je ne se quoi seen in the likes of the Instagram famous and worthy of four-legged viral superstardom.

An ordinary dog can perform simple tricks and pose in cute photos. But only a particularly prepared Adorable can rise to superior pup-ularity and gain worldwide adoration.

Motherpuppin' Adorable is your tongue-in-cheek guide to help you incorporate your companion into every aspect of your life and prep them for optimum appreciation. From the perfect name to pooch-proven home décor and do-good doggie charities, get ready to debut your dog's irresistible instincts of adorable and create a loyal fanbase that will adore your dog as much as you do.

You'll discover: 

  • The dog stage parent's plan to brand-building, social media marketing, and a perfect digital pup portfolio that will launch your Adorable into superstardom.
  • Essential dog-care pointers for celebrity-status smells, health, and looks.
  • A wardrobe of stellar fashion and brilliant accessories that's camera-ready, no matter the season.
  • Dating and travel tips so you and your canine companion can go from dog park to Dubai, including the best dog-approved vehicles, what not to do with your pooch on a plane, and how to incorporate your pup into your big day.
  • Hashtags, lingo, and pawsome puns that will fetch attention from the doggo influencer big leagues.

Your Adorable doesn't need to be a show dog to show off (but they could be with this essential handbook). Get Motherpuppin' Adorable to spoil your tail-wagging star properly and woo every virtual heart...with you happily at their side.

Click here to get Motherpuppin Adorable on Amazon


Click Here to Visit the Website 

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Planners, Journals & Notebooks


My Planner, One Year, Monthly & Weekly

Journals with lined pages no bleed. All Journals are 6x9 in. The flamingo Journal is the only books that is blank with numbered pages. 

Gratitude journal for kids: All detailed pages to work in, teaching a child how to be thankful, cup is half full, and how can tomorrow be a better day. 8.5x11 in

Composition notebooks: All lined pages no bleed. All different covers, 3 for Halloween that I think are appealing for the season. 7.5x9.25 in

Composition Notebook: This Is My Curse

Composition Notebook: Hallows Eve Owl 

Composition Notebook: Happy Hallow 

Gratitude Journal For Kids

Friday, October 22, 2021

Four Minutes to Midnight


Four Minutes to Midnight:

Four Dark Tales From The Wee Hours

This independently published book is both macabre and surreal. It is a compilation of four Short horror Stories, and within its pages, the author touches on different subjects of humanity's beliefs and fears. Here we are confronted with Myth, the Afterlife, and humanity's impending doom. The first-person point of view places the reader at the center of the story. The book can appeal to different kinds of readers, not only the avid readers of the paranormal subject. We encounter influences from classic writers such as H. P. Lovecraft and Algernon Blackwood in this great short fiction. Although the stories share common aspects of the horror genre, the way the author had utilized imagery and suspense makes the book unique. Also, the endings of the stories are not what you would expect.


Thursday, October 21, 2021

The Impact of Implants


Have you ever looked in front of a mirror and wished to change a couple of things about your body?

I always thought I knew everything about my breasts. I frequently examined mine in the bathroom mirror before a shower. I observed everything, from their shape to the blemishes I was born with, but especially their size.

There was always a lingering feeling in my head about how I would look with bigger breasts. When I was young, my idea of beauty was curvaceous. I pictured a beautiful woman with large, plump, shapely breasts, an hourglass figure, and a big round butt. I wanted to be her! However, once I hit puberty, my body let me down.

As a woman who decided to get implants, I wish to pass on what I've learned during my journey. Here's to all the girls who felt the same way I did before my surgery. Perhaps my book will also shed light on the meaning behind my decision to people who are unsure about breast augmentation surgery.  The body of your dreams is within your reach!

Click here to get The Impact of Implants

on Amazon / Kindle

Click here to get The Impact of Implants on GoodReads


Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Winterset Hollow

Everyone has wanted their favorite book to be real, if only for a moment. Everyone has wished to meet their favorite characters, if only for a day. But be careful in that wish, for even a history forged in ink can be repaid in flesh and blood, and reality is far deadlier than fiction . . . especially on Addington Isle.

Winterset Hollow follows a group of friends to the place that inspired their favorite book—a timeless tale about a tribe of animals preparing for their yearly end-of-summer festival. But after a series of shocking discoveries, they find that much of what the world believes to be fiction is actually fact, and that the truth behind their beloved story is darker and more dangerous than they ever imagined. It’s Barley Day. . . and you’re invited to the hunt.

Winterset Hollow is as thrilling as it is terrifying and as smart as it is surprising. A uniquely original story filled with properly unexpected twists and turns, Winterset Hollow delivers complex, indelible characters and pulse-pounding action as it storms toward an unforgettable climax that will leave you reeling. How do you celebrate Barley Day? You run, friend. You run.

Click here to get Winterset Hollow on Amazon / Kindle 


Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Stock Market Terminology for Beginners


Stock Market Terminology for Beginners : 

A Complete Guide to Learning the Stock Market Lingo

Read on and Start Investing within Reading the First 20 Pages! 

Imagine waking up one day and realizing you can halve your working hours and spend most of your time with your loved ones. 

Instead of rushing to go to work, you can have a slow morning cup of coffee on a sunny balcony on a Wednesday afternoon. 

You wouldn’t be the first one to achieve this with the help of a few smart stock market investments. 

Yes, it’s completely normal if you have no clue where to begin even thinking about investing. 

If you are like most stock market beginners, words like ‘bull’, ‘bear’, ‘dividend,’ and ‘IPO’ confuse you. No worries! These precise definitions with examples can get you to earning passive income!

Ask any big stock market investor - they started with learning stock market terms, concepts, and golden rules of how it works.

If you learn stock market terms now, they will make your investing experience easy, enjoyable, and profitable!

This book will teach you how to invest the right way so that when it comes time for you to buy stocks, your money doesn’t go down the drain.

You will see for yourself how simple it is to gain profit with the right approach!  

Here is what you get inside this blueprint:

  • Learn all the necessary terms to get going in the stock market fast!
  • Get started with investing immediately and effortlessly make passive income safely!
  • Build your skills now and start investing while reading! 
  • And much, much more!

Instead of letting inflation eat up years' worth of savings, investing in stocks is the most popular, tested, and profitable way of earning more money at home. 

This book makes sure you play safe and start learning how to earn income with the right terminology.

You're not risking anything by starting small!

Click here to get Stock Market Terminology for Beginners

on Amazon / Kindle 


The Serpent Series (3 book series)

The Serpent Series  (3 book series) If you're looking for a thriller series that doesn't hold back, The Serpent Series delivers a re...