The Key to the Secret:
15 Fast and Easy Steps to Achieving What You Want Now
Author Bio: Mina Faraway
I’ve been practicing the Law of Attraction since childhood. I started by finding the first star in the sky and reciting a popular nursery rhyme. It goes:
Star Light, Star Bright,
First star I see tonight,
Wish I may, wish I might,
Have the wish I wish tonight.
Then I would make my wish with all my heart. I believe I received everything I wished for and truly wanted. Being a child, I forgot about my wish during the day, not realizing at the time it was the “letting go” part of the process.
When I became an adult, I stopped making wishes and reciting the poem, but I continued to get almost everything I wanted and set my mind to. When I wanted a specific job, they hired me. When I wanted something physical, I earned enough to buy it myself; I bartered for it; or someone gifted it to me. After all, I had learned that wishes come true.
I wrote The Key to the Secret to share the epiphanies, or inspired thoughts, that helped me connect the dots between some of the Law of Attraction teachings. The ones I specifically struggled with in the daily chaos of life included how you transition from imagining and visualizing what you want, to “letting go” and living your life as if you have it all now. I hope it helps you find ways to “game the system” of your own mental processes in a way that’s fun and fulfilling, so you can receive everything you desire faster.
I’m literally living my ideal schedule and the life I wanted right now, and it happened much faster than I expected. Just remember to go through every step and review and recite what you have written. Feel it and live is now as closely as you can. When you can’t physically do so, use your vibrant imagination to fool yourself into living it.
Remember The Key to the Secret and you’ll be absolutely unstoppable.