Tuesday, May 31, 2022

A River of Lies


When his girlfriend, Jillian Russo, washes up on the shore of the Merrimack River in Essex County, Massachusetts, Carmen Vaughn immediately finds himself the main suspect in her murder investigation. Desperate, he turns to his college professor and former criminal prosecutor, Timothy Pickering, for help clearing his name and figuring out what really happened.

Against his family’s wishes, Pickering decides to help and recruits Adrian Watson, a private investigator who’s worked other government cases in the past. Despite their diligent work, the prosecutors on Jillian's case manage to stay one step ahead as lead attorney Victoria Donovan conspires to bury vital evidence that could acquit Carmen of the charges. As the investigation progresses, Pickering and Watson suspect that someone else was dating and likely killed Jillian . . . but knowing it and proving it are two different matters, and time is running out.

Queen Alora and Winter Ease


Queen Alora and Winter Ease :

A Queen and Her Crown

Queen Alora must prepare for her kingdom’s Winter Ease festival, a joyous time for her and her subjects to celebrate the beginning of springtime. See what challenges she faces as her crown of curls takes on a life of their own!

You can also help out with the second Queen Alora book on Kickstarter use the link below

Monday, May 30, 2022

The Big Black Book of Sex Positions


Get ready to take your sex life to a whole-new level. Here is an oversize, full-color guide to heat up any bedroom with these tantalizing positions that will enhance your sex, impress your partner, and make lovemaking more fun than ever for you.

Within this accessible and approachable guide, you’ll find exciting and steamy sex positions for penetrative and oral sex, including:

  • Missionary, Butterfly, Cowgirl
  • Amazon, Cowgirl, Hot Seat
  • Spread Eagle, Face Straddle, Leg Up
  • Deepthroat Handstand, Peek-a-Boo
  • Lots Pretzel, See Saw
  • Dancer, Ballerina, Bodyguard

The authors also offer sections on foreplay, toys, setting the mood, exercises to improve your performance and flexibility, BDSM, sex positions for the overweight, why size only matters when it’s wrong, and many other burning topics that are often overlooked.

“We hope this book and all of the positions and adventures inside add much more passion and fun to your sex life. And, in addition, it will create something special and magical for each and every one of you. Take the risk, and at least try each and every one of these positions. It will create a deeper sexual connection with your lover, as well as a more intimate, stronger love for one another.”

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Ghostwriting for QAnon

Confessions of a Fake News writer
Chronological history of QAnon, 4Chan, 8Chan and 8Kun, told by the person who did the ghostwriting for the main 8Chan newssite. What is behind all these white mass shooters? How did an anonymous account on 8Chan / 8Kun become a worldwide influencer that could make millions believe in outlandish conspiracy theories? How was the Trump presidency pushed from the darkest reaches of the internet? Read the thrilling behind the scenes story here.

#Trump #4Chan #QAnon #8Kun #GreatReplacement #WWG1WGA 

Saturday, May 28, 2022

The Ultimate 200 Mind Boggling Puzzles


The Ultimate 200 Mind Boggling Puzzles

200 logic puzzles that’ll make you think, challenge your ability to reason, and keep you entertained for countless hours!

This puzzle book for adults contains a wide variety of brain games that’ll keep your brain young, healthy, and sharpen your ability to problem solve!

Full of fun, this practice problem solving book will make you laugh, think, and learn every step of the way while entertaining you, your loved ones, friends, or family. This book also makes a great gift!

This book contains:

  • Logic Jokes and Puzzles
  • Brain Games Puzzles for Adults
  • Matches and Movement
  • Unique and Exciting Riddles
  • Chess Puzzles 
  • All Levels Logic for Adults
  • Math Puzzles
  • And so much more!

There’s something for everyone in this stimulating, amazing logic book for adults.

This book also makes a great gift for the puzzle lovers in your life!

Check out Some Samples by Clicking Here

Click here to get your copy of

The Ultimate 200 Mind Boggling Puzzles

on Amazon / Kindle 

Friday, May 27, 2022

Haiku Poetry for the Covid Pandemic

How to put into words a devastating pandemic that upends the world and our daily experiences of life, love and community?

Haiku Poetry for the Covid Pandemic brings together over ninety short poems that usher us through the first two years of the pandemic. The poems are variously serious and whimsical, capturing Covid-19's sweeping reach—from the blunt fact of barren store shelves, to shimmering questions dwelling in the great unknown.

Beginning in March 2020 with the declaration of the pandemic, this poetry of witness and relation contends with death, grief, loss and loneliness as it also offers words of healing and hope. It invokes the experience of living simultaneously with the existential and the mundane, as we negotiate new relationships to restaurants, homes, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, grocery stores, and romance.

By 2021, the poems begin to shake off the bewildering shock and awe of the preceding “blurs-year” during which many of us felt disconnected from ordinary time. They do this by giving urgent witness to discrete events, striving to be present in unique moments despite the confounding coronavirus’s refusal to leave. When the collection ends in March 2022, we are left standing at the uncertain threshold of Covid 3.0, glancing at these poems in the side-view mirror. 

About the Author

Kate Dash is a writer in Oakland, California. She made her way through the first two years of the Covid-19 pandemic by writing these short poems about her experiences. She hopes readers will find some resonant lines to hold onto, if only to feel more connected to the universal experience of Covid through which we are all muddling.

Click here to get Haiku Poetry for The Covid Pandemic

on Amazon / Kindle

Click here to get Haiku Poetry for The Covid Pandemic

on Barnes & Noble

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Naomi's Journey Into The Light

Naomi's Journey Into the Light 

 With his latest book, “Naomi’s Journey Into The Light”, Rawlins tells a story of faith you will not soon forget, one that will touch you in a heartfelt, life-changing way. The author based many of the events of this unique story on his own born-again life experiences.

“Naomi’s Journey” is a profound and moving reading experience, reminiscent of elements of “A Christmas Carol” and “It’s A Wonderful Life”. Touching readers hearts, it is soon to become an inspiring book for all who read it.

Monday, May 23, 2022

In The Blink of My Eye


In the Blink of My Eye: A Novel

Cherish your yesterdays, Dream about your tomorrows, Live your best todays

Reagan Kathleen McDonald was born into a large Irish family. She came into this world with a smile on her face, a twinkle of mischief in her eyes, and a heart full of love. Follow her throughout the roller coaster ride of her life encompassing the humor, romance, drama, hurt, pain, rejection, yet joy of the stages she would go through, grow through, dance through, laugh through and cry through.

Her loves and loses will have you on an emotional high and then drop you in to the depths of despair until you reach that last hill. Will there be a light at the end?

Sunday, May 22, 2022

True Love


(Children's book)
Release: May 31st 2022

Uriel has a lot of questions about life and is determined to know the answers. Through inquiry, exploration, chance, experience and realization, all of these questions are answered over a lifetime of truly living. Join Uriel as he uncovers and awakens to the true meaning of life.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

I Wish I Had a Dinosaur


I Wish I had a Dinosaur:

A jurassic adventure, ideal present for Christmas, birthday for kids 2 -7 years who'd love a T-Rex dino or dog as a pet

Jack loves dinosaurs. Do you know someone like that? But Jack also loves his pet dog, Max. But on his fourth birthday, Max wishes his dog was a dinosaur. Nothing happens at first, but in this charming story Max grows into an almighty T-Rex. Underneath the terrible lizard exterior Max is still in there and just wants to play fetch and chase the mailman.

We all have a book in us. This dinosaur tale came about when a visit to the local toy store turned into a freakish horror story claims the author; David Davies.
During a routine trip to the toy shop bathroom, his son’s tiny hand became trapped in one the fixtures resulting in an ambulance ride to the local hospital. Then a transfer to a specialist children’s hospital and surgery. But while David stayed at his bedside, this story grew. A story about a boy wishing for a dinosaur and his wish coming true.
Then, after being unable to work due to Covid, David wrote the jurassic story and sent it various publishers. And in November 2021, this book was finally released. So, he could share the story so loved by his own son in his hour of need.
Available in paperback and ebook as well as notebooks, doodle pads and other educational material, available on Amazon.

Monday, May 16, 2022

Readers Favorite Book Award Contest


Contest Features
  • Chance to win one of $50,000 in free prizes just for entering.
  • Chance to have your book made into a movie or TV show.
  • Chance to be published by an award winning traditional publisher.
  • Chance to be represented by a leading author marketing and PR firm.
  • Chance to be represented by a leading literary management company.
  • Additional award competition for illustrated books.
  • More features including a book review, award ceremony, and publicity.

Become an award-winning author! Book awards grab the attention of bookstores, publishers, libraries and readers, which can translate into increased sales. If you place in our contest you will be able to add your Readers' Favorite award seal to your book and all other marketing materials as well as identify your book as an "award-winning book" and you as an "award-winning author."

We accept manuscripts, published and unpublished books, eBooks, audiobooks, comic books, poetry books and short stories in 140+ genres. We do not have a word count restriction or a publication date requirement, which means it does not matter when or if your book was published. We are an international competition, but your work must be in English. 

Win one of $50,000 in prizes just for entering

All authors are automatically entered to win one of more than 200 prizes worth a combined total of $50,000 just by entering the Readers' Favorite International Book Award Contest. Prizes are generously donated by industry experts who support our contest and our authors. Winners are picked at random, and it does not matter how many categories you entered or whether you won an award or not. Prize winners will be announced on September 1st along with the contest results.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

The Congo Conspiracy


The Congo Conspiracy: First Contact

With the election of the 49th President of the United States of America, NASA discovers an asteroid’s trajectory change course after passing the moon now headed for Earth. The staff at NASA tracking this potential cataclysm learn something else about this wandering star. They learn that it's being guided by a means other than its own. The asteroid is intercepted by alien ships towing it into the heart of Africa before vanishing underneath a holographic projection of the Congo jungle. America sends in a drone to look for these aliens when they discover a hidden world deep beneath the planet's hollow surface. After learning that mysterious beings have been living under their very noses this whole time, the new President sends in a group of special forces to make contact with the alien civilization living deep under the African jungles. The U.S. troops captured by these underground aliens after battling a horde of cave monsters and are to be taken to the King for judgement. But before the Americans go to meet this King of the underworld, the hidden kingdom goes to war with Satan and a group of banished fallen angels from heaven. The fallen angels formally known as the Watchers now aligned with Satan call themselves the Fallen Ones. The Fallen and Satan following a prophecy will stop at nothing to release their imprisoned angelic brethren and bring the war of Armageddon to fruition. Find out in book one in a new action packed political and spiritual thriller series called The Congo Conspiracy. This story is fully illustrated and is like a movie on paper.

I Wish I Had a Dinosaur


I Wish I had a Dinosaur:

A jurassic adventure, ideal present for Christmas, birthday for kids 2 -7 years who'd love a T-Rex dino or dog as a pet

Jack loves dinosaurs. Do you know someone like that? But Jack also loves his pet dog, Max. But on his fourth birthday, Max wishes his dog was a dinosaur. Nothing happens at first, but in this charming story Max grows into an almighty T-Rex. Underneath the terrible lizard exterior Max is still in there and just wants to play fetch and chase the mailman.

We all have a book in us. This dinosaur tale came about when a visit to the local toy store turned into a freakish horror story claims the author; David Davies.
During a routine trip to the toy shop bathroom, his son’s tiny hand became trapped in one the fixtures resulting in an ambulance ride to the local hospital. Then a transfer to a specialist children’s hospital and surgery. But while David stayed at his bedside, this story grew. A story about a boy wishing for a dinosaur and his wish coming true.
Then, after being unable to work due to Covid, David wrote the jurassic story and sent it various publishers. And in November 2021, this book was finally released. So, he could share the story so loved by his own son in his hour of need.
Available in paperback and ebook as well as notebooks, doodle pads and other educational material, available on Amazon.

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Friday, May 13, 2022

Bad Kids


Bad Kids

Bad Kids is a colorful, fast-paced haunted hayride through a small town comprised of a youth that is no longer interested in playing by the rules!

After unknowingly vandalizing a horrific murder scene, teenagers Eli and Calvin get mixed up with an infamous young couple who they hope will help them solve the crime and clear their names of any wrongdoing.

However, the antisocial couple's motivations for helping the boys are anything but pure, and as the mystery deepens, Eli and Calvin begin to realize just how dark and dangerous their new friends truly are.

Click here to get Bad Kids on Amazon Kindle 

Journey Beyond

Journey Beyond In  Journey Beyond , follow Maria, a determined woman from a small town in the Philippines, as she transforms her dreams into...