Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Don't Forget To Ask


Don't Forget to Ask: 

How to sell your position and 

negotiate anything with anyone

You don’t need to belong to the world of business in order to be familiar with the art of negotiation. Every single one of us negotiates at one time or another, and it makes up much more of our everyday lives and relationships than you may realize. Whether you’re hashing out dinner plans or organizing a multi-million dollar deal, your work relies on the successful back-and-forth that comes with reaching agreements. The key here is not to separate the idea of negotiating from that of a traditional salesman, but to combine the two ideals into one and using the strength that lies in both selling and negotiating to take your skills to the next level. 

Introducing, Don’t Forget to Ask: How to Sell Your Position and Negotiate Anything with Anyone, a comprehensive collection of time-tested principles of negotiating that can be learned, perfected, and applied to virtually any situation with anyone. With a thorough and easy-to-navigate format, Don’t Forget to Ask wants to know if you’re ready to start winning. Become the master negotiator in your home, work, and everyday life and start your journey today! 

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