Tuesday, February 15, 2022

EyMiSo: A Radically New Approach to Unleash the Power of your Subconscious Mind


A Radically New Approach to Unleash the Power of your Subconscious Mind

It widely accepted that the subconscious mind when free of from the ego, clutter and erroneous messages submitted by the conscious mind will, by proper instruction, make certain that you will gain everything you could imagine.Wealth, love, radiant health, the eradication of bad habits like smoking or overeating and even enhancing your learning abilities; in fact, there is no facet of your life that can’t be improved because there is not one part of your life that is not controlled by your subconscious.If you are not familiar with the concept of the subconscious and the conscious mind - don't worry, I have dedicated the first few chapters of this book to discussing the basic principled in a simple and logical way.When you learn those secrets you will prosper in all things. The greatest achievers; poets, artists, writers, scientists, philosophers, politicians knew that innately.That poses the question, what is ‘proper instruction’? This is where the EyMiSo process is different. Most books on the subconscious suggest techniques like repetition in a sleepy, dreamy state, hoping this will filter into your subconscious.These are not always effective. EyMiSo is a radically different approach. I detail and explain fully by example in a step by step manner how it works - a secret you are so close to obtaining right now. There is no doubt that when clearly instructed the subconscious will faithfully and obediently fulfil all requests. Happiness, health and abundance is a choice - choose it wisely, choose it now and it will be yours.


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