Thursday, July 14, 2022

Journey Well - You Are More Than Enough


Journey Well, You Are More Than Enough, (RE)Discover Your Passion, Purpose, & Love of Yourself & Life is a literary roadmap to help you claim your better, brighter life. As the title says, you're not 'enough,' You are More than enough. Do you want to defeat imposter syndrome? Do you want a better life, with more satisfaction and serenity? Are you tired of being sad, frustrated, angry at yourself and others? Are you convinced there's a better way to live? 

Journey Well is a self-care, self-help, affirmation book and set of tools that will make you feel better about yourself, and help you find the life you deserve. This book addresses your past missteps, and helps you see that they were great lessons. It guides you to a new mindset, a new perception that will change the way you see yourself, and how you live your life. It explains why words are so important, and how positive words must replace negative words in order to alter your perception of this abundant world. The book offers ways to help with self-care, affirmation, and how to silence that harsh inner critic once and for all. Using the free Journey Well Guidebook is one of the best ways ever to invest in yourself, and to get the full benefit of the More than enough experience. Journey Well, You Are More Than Enough, (RE)Discover Your Passion, Purpose, & Love of Yourself & Life guides you toward a better world by giving you power and permission to discard old paradigms that limit you in ways you might not have imagined. 

Author Bios:

Mariah grew up in rural Iowa. Byron in Central Ohio. They met in Iowa City Iowa where they flew together, Mariah as a registered nurse, Byron as a helicopter pilot flying air medical rescue missions, and lifting people up and away from healthcare challenges.

Through their decades of serving others, theEdgington’s observed a nearly universal thirst among people from all walks of life to find more purpose and passion in their lives. Journey Well serves to meet this need while addressing the debilitating issue of low self-worth by offering unique and key strategies for personal growth.

Join Mariah and Byron Edgington as they share candid and inspirational stories, guide you through transformative exercises, and help you (re)discover your passion, purpose, and gratitude for yourself and life.

Click here to get

Journey Well, You Are More Than Enough

on Amazon / Kindle 

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