Friday, October 28, 2022

I Wish I Had a Dinosaur


I Wish I had a Dinosaur:

Fantastic children's book about

dinosaurs and dogs

Jack loves dinosaurs. Do you know someone like that? But Jack also loves his pet dog, Max. But on his fourth birthday, Max wishes his dog was a dinosaur. Nothing happens at first, but in this charming story Max grows into an almighty T-Rex. Underneath the terrible lizard exterior Max is still in there and just wants to play fetch and chase the mailman.

We all have a book in us. This dinosaur tale came about when a visit to the local toy store turned into a freakish horror story claims the author; David Davies.
During a routine trip to the toy shop bathroom, his son’s tiny hand became trapped in one the fixtures resulting in an ambulance ride to the local hospital. Then a transfer to a specialist children’s hospital and surgery. But while David stayed at his bedside, this story grew. A story about a boy wishing for a dinosaur and his wish coming true.
Then, after being unable to work due to Covid, David wrote the jurassic story and sent it various publishers. And in November 2021, this book was finally released. So, he could share the story so loved by his own son in his hour of need.
Available in paperback and ebook as well as notebooks, doodle pads and other educational material, available on Amazon.

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