Sunday, January 22, 2023

Human Being


Imagine having the capacity to read your own decisions and actions in slow motion and observe your responses to the challenges you face on a daily basis. What impact would this have on the key decisions in your life, whether it is with a potential life partner, business associate, employee or employer?

Ashkan Tashvir urges his readers in Human Being to approach their interpersonal relationships and matters in their life from an ontological standpoint, also known as a "let's get real" approach. BEING, his previous best-selling book, explored the concepts and discoveries of the Being FrameworkTM, a revolutionary new paradigm that the author developed after over ten years of research. In Human Being, you will discover in a relatable and accessible way, how this framework that is being adopted by thousands of leaders, coaches, consultants, entrepreneurs and investors around the world can apply to your daily life.

Whether you are developing a business, a family, a relationship, or an organisation, this book will aid you in identifying and removing the unseen barriers to your effectiveness and fulfillment of your vision for yourself. Using the ideas in this book, you will find new ways of looking at deeply embedded issues in your life, and overcome barriers through a fresh perspective.

Click here to get Human Being on Amazon Kindle US Store

Click here to get Human Being on Amazon Kindle AU Store


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