Monday, April 24, 2023

Everlasting Quarantine


Everlasting Quarantine

Things can always get worse...

ITALY. A viral mutation that defies all human logic has hit a world already shaken to its core by years of pandemic.

Governments' instructions have been reduced to a single commandment: "STAY INDOORS!"

Paul finds himself trapped at his high-school reunion, which coincides with a sumptuous party that was supposed to jumpstart normality across the entire continent.

His former classmates are there...people in their thirties whom he barely recognizes and cannot decipher: they're all caught in an Everlasting Quarantine, their bodies and minds pushed to the brink by Nature's relentless fury.

How long can they hold on?

What will become of us and our once-great expectations when the world we know falls into the depths of unpredictability?

Can flowers even blossom in the midst of an earthquake?

#apocalypse #psychological #thriller #tension #sex #love #pandemic #spirituality #psychedelia #rebirth #degradation #death #life #social #society #lgbtq #transgender #oxygen #blackout #infodemic #school #novel #fiction #Milan #Italy #American_school #millennials #thirties #virus #LSD #psychedelics

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